The function of the hair or the hair on our bodies

In Head
Hair is a body, the thread-like in the skin of animals and humans, is growing especially mammals. Hair has grown out of the epidermis (outer skin), although of hair follicles, which are derived far below the dermis.
Hair function is to protect your scalp from the sun and the cold. While the existing hair on the head, was no less than 100,000 hair strands and each strand grows in 2 to 6 years. But the hair every day kerontokkan 50-100 strands have grown but new hair.
In the Eye
The function of the eyebrows in addition to beauty and beauty is to sweat and rain on the forehead and then to resist to the eye. Eyebrows can also deepen your face true character.
In the nose
The hairs in the nose, then the bacteria, fungi, dust and spores that are released into the blocked nose and filtered.
Not only does the hair in the nose also, to increase the humidity of the air we breathe. It is very important to continue the process of respiration.
Mustache and beard
Function mustache and beard is a sign of secondary sexual characteristics of men who have baligh (adults) or, in other words, as a distinction between male and female ...
As with any other body hair, are in the armpit hair begins normally during puberty grow and grow normally until the end of the 18-20 year old teenager. Propagation of pheromones from the axilla at the level of human development shows the relationship between keseksualan armpit hair with. Positive response to olfactory stimuli in mammals and a strong sex drive caused by the spread of pheromones valuable clues about the purpose and meaning to human armpit hair. It was said that unlicensed hair acts as nature itself "anti-slip" so original among the upper arm to the thorax. Even more important is to have armpit hair start, moisture from the skin, the skin to be dry enough to support the growth of bacteria, which helps prevent the odor remove votes.
In the chest and abdomen
As with mustache and beard hairs function in the chest and abdomen (usually men) a sign of secondary sexual characteristics of men who have baligh (adults) is ...
On the hands and feet
Hair functions as the feet and hands are the most effective sensors. Suppose we walk disemak shrub. What was the response of our feet is a lot. Start scratchy plants could respond or if there is a caterpillar ..!!!
On Pubic
Pubic hair is hair that is located on the front and around the genitals. Although the fine hairs have grown since her childhood, really grow as a rule a new pubic hair in adulthood, as a result of the increasing effects of androgen hormones in the skin around the genitals.
Several theories claim that sex is a function of hair:
* Is heat
* Visual indication of sexual maturity
* Collection of expenditure pheromone
* Reduce external friction during sexual intercourse
* Protective areas overgrown pubic hair, because this region is sensitive (BC)

Transplantation of bone marrow for leukemia patients

Leukemia Treatment depends on the type and stage. The treatment of chronic leukemia are not as aggressive acute leukemia. For the treatment of chronic leukemia, a drug that is as simple and can be administered in a drink. The only goal is to control the growth of cancer cells. Chronic leukemia in the history of the disease can be acute relapse and leukemia. In the relapse phase, treatment sesua with acute leukemia therapy.
For the treatment of acute leukemia is to destroy cancer cells until they are exhausted. The implementation in stages and consists of several cycles. Is the induction stage (early), consolidation and maintenance. Induction phase is to destroy cancer cells gradually. to eliminate remaining cancer cells of the consolidation phase to achieve a full recovery. Phase maintenance is useful to keep it once more. The usual treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation and leukemia tulang.Untuk acute treatment with the aim to destroy the cancer cells until they are exhausted. The implementation in stages and consists of several cycles. Is the induction stage (early), consolidation and maintenance. Induction phase is to destroy cancer cells gradually. to eliminate remaining cancer cells of the consolidation phase to achieve a full recovery. Phase maintenance is useful to keep it once more. The usual treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.
Bone marrow is soft tissue in the inner cavity of the bone, found that's where most of the production of new blood cells. There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (also known as myeloid tissue) and yellow bone marrow. Red blood cells, platelets and most of the white blood cells of red bone marrow. Yellow bone marrow produces white blood cells and the color of fat cells that contain many causes. Both types of bone marrow contains many blood vessels and capillaries.
Bone marrow transplantation is a procedure that will replace the damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. Bone marrow damage can be caused by high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In addition, bone marrow transplantation is also useful to replace blood cells destroyed by cancer. The bone marrow transplant, the patient's own bone marrow is still healthy. This is called autologous bone marrow transplantation. Bone marrow transplantation can also be obtained by others. If obtained from an identical twin called syngeneic transplantation. Meanwhile, if obtained from non-identical twins, for example, the siblings, named after allogeneic transplantation. Currently, allogeneic bone marrow transplants are most often done.
Why do bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of leukemia needed? The main reason he did was for these patients, treatment with high-dose chemotherapy or radiotherapy can be given. to understand why bone marrow transplant is needed to understand how to work chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy generally affect cells that divide quickly. They are used because cancer cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells. However, since bone marrow cells also divide frequently enough, the treatment with high doses damage the cells of the bone marrow. Without healthy bone marrow, the patient can not generate blood cells are needed. Healthy bone marrow transplantation, the ability of blood cells, patients have to produce to restore.
Side effects of bone marrow transplantation remain, namely the possibility of infection and bleeding are possible, as high doses of cancer treatment. This may be an indication of antibiotics or blood transfusions to prevent anemia can be overcome. If successful bone marrow transplant, the patient can recover by 70-80%, but still possible to relapse again. If you do not, bone marrow transplants, only 40-50% cure rate.