dermis function

The effect has been placed under the skin and the fabric that supports the skin and its annexs (fine hair, nails, etc.) are thickness varies from one region to another, thinner than in the thick eyelids, and on the back. The impact that often lead to become thinner and thinner with age. This layer consists of cells, fibres and substance on the ground, and in breach of the epidermis, is richly innervated and vascularized. The cells are hamsters the more abundant. These cells are the location for the production of dermal other components: the two dermal fibres and ground substance obtained in the hamsters. In addition to the hamsters, mast cells (mast cells) lymphocytes, histiocytes and present, which are mainly related to immunocompetence. The fibres produced by hamsters are of different types, depending on the function they perform: collagen fibres are the fibres more abundant and grouped in the forests of variably addressed. under the microscope electron these fibres show characteristic transverse lines, because of its unique structure. Collagen fibres are composed of specific amino acids proline and content and glycine, all are positioned to constitute a fibrous structure. The main function of the collagen Fibers is in support of the internal structure of the skin. friendly fibres form a loose Maas is visible to specific colour. The main component is a protein called elastin:. The main function of this type of fiber is to provide the elasticity of the skin fundamental of all our movements. The amendments or additions to which this fibres are the main cause of the phenomenon is distensae, stretch marks. The ground substance of the impact is the element of cement, a group of components of the combination of different compressed the structure of the impact. It is composed of substances such as acid mucopolysaccharide (glycosaminoglycans, the chemical substances classified as complex sugars), "acid and chondroitin sulfate., and dermatan sulfate, keratin fibres sulfate, for example, are also present. glycosaminoglycans and in other specific proteins in molecular constitute major aggregates called proteoglycans and the main feature is the ability to make the link between many molecules of water, producing a freezing amorphous that perform two functions: let nutrients and oxygen to tissues and to protect the skin structure. Morphological differences in the impact you leave schematic be split into two areas: the papillary reticular effect and impact. The papillary effect is the closest to the surface of the skin and, therefore, situated just below the epidermis. This layer contains a rich capillary network responsible for the nutrition of the skin and the annexs. The nerve so also present in the papillary effects, such as the two free, ie, has opened up many branches of fibres and terminal equipment corpusculated. The fibres oriented illegally, the soil substance abundant and reacts and lymphocytes large. The reticular effect is deeper and is composed of large bundles of collagen Fibers arranged in parallel to the surface of the skin. Cells and ground substance is present in smaller quantities than in the papillary effect, and also ships, in particular arterioles and venules, are less frequent. The main function of the reticular effect is to give more support to the structure of the skin. The hypodermis The hypodermis is located under the impact and is composed of the lipogenic grouped in lobes separated by a zone of connective tissue. arterioles and venules to infiltrate into the connective tissue and are responsible for the nutrition of fabrics hypodermis. The fat cells, which are characterized by a remarkably large amount of fat they contain. This lipids are grouped in a single globule in the cytoplasm, such as the kernel is forced to occupy a position device. The thickness of the subcutaneous fat vary considerably depending on the side of the body, in the nutritional status and the sex of the person. In fact the subcutaneous fat of distribution is strictly hormone-secondary sexual characteristic. The number of fat cells changes in the first stages of development of the Child, the first increase and then remained stable. during puberty working women in the number is the increase of subcutaneous fat mainly in the field of ​ ​the buttocks, along, legs and breasts. by men, on the other hand, increased lipid content in the torso and the belly. weight gain or loss is not due to a change in the number of the lipogenic, but a change in the lipid content of fat cells.
A stroke occurs when a party of the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood due to several mechanisms. Typically, a stroke occurs when an artery is blocked, either by narrowing of small arteries in the brain or hardening of the arteries leading to the brain (called atherosclerosis). In some cases, stroke may be the result of a stroke, who traveled from the heart to the brain. Strokes can be ischemic (when caused by a blood clot) or hemorrhagic (bleeding when ruptured aneurysms in the brain).

The U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) established a list of stroke symptoms that patients experience. Symptoms of stroke occur suddenly and in the case of a transient ischemic attack ("mini-stroke"), which disappear within 24 hours but otherwise tend to be permanent. Numbness or weakness in the face, arm and leg on one side of the body, difficulty seeing, speaking or understanding, along with severe headaches are the symptoms first hit. Patients are often confused, you can balance or coordination loss and has difficulty walking and feel dizzy. Stroke is a medical emergency for the recognition of the signs as soon as they occur is very important for the patient's life.

There are medications available to treat stroke. Heparin or aspirin is recommended for patients who have suffered a stroke due to its ability to thin the blood. However, tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) is the most common treatment for stroke. In fact, involves the injection of TPA into a vein in the arm as soon as possible, and the sooner it is administered, the better the results.

The most important and difficult is the treatment of stroke recovery. As soon as the patient is no longer seriously ill he or she should follow rehabilitative therapy to regain their functional abilities. Therapy can be followed either in a specialized rehabilitation hospital or a nursing home. During recovery, the patient should follow speech therapy to regain his ability to speak and swallow occupational therapy to regain dexterity in their arms and physical therapy to improve strength and walking. Rehabilitation process includes family education designed to guide the family, given the challenges they will face.

Stroke Prevention is the best for a patient could do. Those who suffer from diabetes, who smoke or have high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are predisposed to developing this condition. People at risk should regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and try to keep them under control. A stroke often occur without warning, so it is very important for people who may suffer from a stroke follow your doctor's advice.

Some strokes can be caused by a brain tumor. Brain cancer and tumors, especially primary (those that develop in the brain) can lead to complications such as stroke, in special circumstances